Need wedding gift idea - may be kitchen related.
gloria.p wrote:
> On 3/14/2011 2:29 PM, Kalmia wrote:
>>> > wrote:
>>>> This is a toughie tho. Couple is combining households. I'm not
>>>> sure how much cooking they are likely to do. They are 'older'.
>>>> I thought about a gift card to a fancy schmancy resto, but darn -
>>>> the amount you give is rather obvious.
>> When I say older, I mean a combined age of about 135 -140.
> Not necessarily a fancy-schmancy restaurant, but a gift cert to
> one of their local favorites. Going out to dinner is a treat, more so
> as you get older and more tired of cooking.
> Or if they appreciate wine, a really NICE bottle or two.
> gloria p
Since when do older people get tired of cooking?