Thread: Ginger tea
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Default Ginger tea

Hi Ole,

> My Chinese acupuncturist advised me to change black or green tea with
> tea for a period.

For pregnancy nauseas ? Congratulations !

>I said OK, but now I've realised that I don't quite know
> how to make it. To begin with, how much ginger to how much water? Then, do

> put sugar in to boil? And last, are there any other nice things the

> put in this brew?

There are 2 ways to prepare :
1.With green ginger (it's pink in fact), you get the juice of it by grating
it and add that juice to hot water. About half a ts of juice per cup, more
if you like. Sugar as you like. The taste of raw mature ginger is less
2.Ground a lot of normal ginger, add equal quantity of sugar and simmer
until you get a jam. Put in jars. You can keep it one or two years. You just
need to put 1 ts in a cup and cover with hot water.

You can buy dried/instant version, but it's not so good. A friend bough in
Korea an instant
that doesn't even contain ginger.

It is common to give it texture with arrow-root. It has even more medicinal
properties (for coughing and stomach ache).

Arrow root with ginger and lemon
(recipe from a Japanese magazine)

(1 serving)
ginger juice 1 ts
lemon juice 1 ts
arrow root flour 2 tbs
honey 1 and 1/2 or 2 tbs
water 150 ml

Mix the water and arrow-root in a pan. Put on low heat and simmer constantly
until it becomes transparent and a little thick. Add other ingredients. Get
away from heat. Serve hot. Eat with a spoon.
