Ginger tea
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:52:57 +0100, in article
>, Ole Kvaal wrote:
> All
> I've learned so far, is that it takes two slices of ginger. Now, what do I
> do with them? Put them in a saucer to boil along with the water (how much
> water)? Put them into water after it has boiled? Let it boil/steep for how
> long? Should I use honey? Sugar?
I've bought a 360g bag of "Instant Ginger Drink", made in Singapore,
packaged by an English importer, with the brand name "Gold Kili". Each
packet is 18g of ginger and honey, although the label doesn't say how much
of each they used. The instructions say to add 250ml of hot water, stir,
and drink.
I'm not trying to be flip, but if ginger isn't too expensive where you
live, why not experiment? It seems to me the worst thing that could happen
is you won't like it.