A Question about Zhuni
I have heard from a number of sources that zhuni clay is either
unattainable or extremely rare and that anyone purporting to sell
zhuni pots is probably a liar. I have, however, seen many pots that
are supposedly zhuni and even own one. As I understand it the
identifying marks for zhuni are a deep orange red colour, wrinkly
orange peel or pear-skin texture, and a very high ring tone.
My pot which was made by Zhou Jian Hua wasn't sold to me as zhuni,
though it has all of the characteristics listed above. I bought the
pot from Michael Ryan who has quite a number of pots for sale which he
says are zhuni. Furthermore, Michael is far from the only retailer
selling zhuni wares. Considering that these pots aren't exorbitantly
expensive, can anyone reconcile this with the common assertion that
zhuni is extinct?
BTW, true zhuni or not, the pot is very good.