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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a

I apologize. I stayed up all night thinking about this and don't
think any innocent bystander caught in the crossfire should leave this
group. You can hide behind your commercial niche in this group
ignoring the spirit of the Charter about commercial posts but
interpret the literal letter of the Charter about what it didn't say
about disingenuous ve$ted posts because Arthur Anderson said it is
more bankable than offshore accounts. So you can become an embedded
author pilfering for ideas about a book claiming it isn't plagarism
because somebody else in the world already knows it but just so
happens is too lazy to post anything here. Or you can sprinkle your
old stale surplus warehoused vintage oolong with reconstituted dried
pond algae and sell it as green uncooked puerh too dithering dotes who
couldn't ask for directions in Chinatown to the nearest Chinese
apothecary who wouldn't sell it to you anyway. You can setup a
infomercial website pandering to conveniently available teas at other
websites but really making it worth while by suggesting you buy M$
Office Suite because the Excel spreadsheet viewer won't let you add
your own tea tastings comments to adjacent cells while conveniently
not providing a message board for slobbering suggestions and by
applying the intentional law of consequences can only be reguritated
here. But better yet you can stay because the regulars aren't $elling
you anything and when we say something you don't have to hide your


(Space Cowboy) wrote in message . com>...
> Hey Mike.
> Set up a message board at your website and take your adoring public with you.
> Jim