Thread: Instant coffee?
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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default Instant coffee?

Polly Esther wrote:
> There are some cookie recipes I want to try that call for instant coffee
> granules. The last time I tried to drink instant coffee was in New Orleans
> about 50 years ago. I suspect they boiled shrimp in the water they used to
> make the coffee. Mercy!
> Do any of you use instant coffee granules in your cooking and is one
> brand better than another? The resident cookie monsters would probably
> enjoy cookies made with old army boot but I'd really like to hit it with my
> best shot. Polly

Most brands are pretty good these days, the differences between them are
generally too subtle to be noticed in something like a cookie.

I generally use Maxwell House instant for my morning coffee. I'm not a
morning person, so I generally save the good fresh ground and brewed
Kona for later in the day when I'm awake enough to appreciate it. I have
Taster's Choice "sticks" in my emergency kit, and I cycle through those
for morning coffee when they are reaching their best by date and I put a
fresh batch in the emergency kit.