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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default Wedding gift decision - ta-da!!

On Mar 17, 9:32*pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:39:34 -0700 (PDT), Kalmia
> > wrote:
> >Just in case anyone was wondering...... I have ordered 8 types of
> >Peets coffee beans, a load of Penzey blends, and will arrange it all
> >in a large, decorator box (reusable) with some new dishcloths as
> >'excelsior'. The day before I present the gift, I will make a batch of
> >chocolate, almond biscotti and, if they are decent, I'll add those
> >too.

> >Thanks for all your ideas.

> A Penzeys assortment is useful for anyone who cooks so long as it's
> seasonings they like, but what if they don't drink coffee, and most
> folks don't own a coffee bean grinder. *I really don't see any
> connection between spice blends and coffee beans unless they're
> seperate gifts for a grab bag. *Maybe I'm out of touch but I would
> never give comestibles as a wedding gift, especially not for people I
> barely know. *Just last week aquaintences gifted me a two pound bag of
> coffee beans from their native land, Colombia. *The next day I put
> some in my coffee grinder so they'd be reqdy for me to try. *I gotta
> say, I was very disappointed, they produced a pot of coffee that
> tasted awful, after a few sips it went down the drain. *I tried them
> again the next morning, but still they produced the most scuzzy brew,
> I dumped it. *The beans are still in my grinder only because I'm still
> trying to decide if I'll toss them in my composter or in the trash,
> it's still too mucky outside to get to my composter. *This was a gift
> for no occasion, but I would never consider giving coffee as a wedding
> gift... maybe you should have given a nice burr grinder, they are not
> very pricy, certainly would have cost less than the discombobulated
> assortment you bought. *Maybe it's still not too late. *I didn't reply
> to be mean, you made the post so must have wanted opinions so I gave
> my honest opinion, I'm sure most will give you their disingenuous atta
> girl.

I DO know the bride very well and know she loves coffee. I figure
better to give this type of gift than something they don't need. I
also figured between the two households combining, there is prob. a
coffee mill, but I'm not about to ask them.

Oh, why am I defending my fait accompli. If I screwed up, so be it.
So, it IS too late in my book.