Lady Grey
On 2/23/04 10:01 AM, in article aic_b.51195$Hy3.2438@edtnps89, "Tim"
> wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I am considering making a batch of Lady Grey tea. Does anyone know the
> recipe, or even the proportional ingredients... any guesses will do ( I
> have my assumptions but would love confirmation).
> I KNOW this sounds like a stupid question, but it is for real. I blend and
> flavour 10 - 50 kg batches of tea. I've become very proficient in the
> flavours I know, and want to reach out a bit. Any ideas or suggestions
> would be greatly appreciated. (((I'll also send you samples once
> complete!!)))
> Thanks,
> Tim
It actually tells you the contents on the side of the tin - black tea with
orange peel (3%), lemon peel (2%), cornflowers and then unspecified