Wedding gift decision - ta-da!!
Kalmia wrote:
> On Mar 18, 9:42 am, "Dora" > wrote:
>> Janet wrote:
>>> Kalmia wrote:
>>>> Just in case anyone was wondering...... I have ordered 8 types of
>>>> Peets coffee beans, a load of Penzey blends, and will arrange it
>>>> all
>>>> in a large, decorator box (reusable) with some new dishcloths as
>>>> 'excelsior'. The day before I present the gift, I will make a
>>>> batch
>>>> of chocolate, almond biscotti and, if they are decent, I'll add
>>>> those
>>>> too.
>>>> Thanks for all your ideas.
>>> Sounds great!
>> It does indeed - it's a great gift. One caveat, though - do they
>> have
>> a coffee grinder?
> I don't know, but they can sure afford one. Jeez, it's a wedding
> gift, guys.....and short of asking em what they would like, I winged
> it best I could. It's the thought, right? So, if they hate the
> coffee and the spices, they can donate em to the next food drive.
Kalmia, I didn't mean to offend you. I think, as I said, that it's a
great idea.