Thread: Kids and tea
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Michael Ryan
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Default Kids and tea

(Yuriy Pragin) wrote in message . com>...
> My 1.5 year old son loves drinking uncooked puerh. When he sees a cup
> in my hands he right away climes on my lap. The question is maybe it's
> too early to drink tea at his age? Any ideas?

Hey, Yuri

Only one thing to worry about letting him drink Puerh is that it
digests the food in the stomach fast. This leads to overeating or not
enough weight gain. If you drink Puerh throughout the day you might
notice you got the munchies more this is because that breakfast you
ate digested faster then normal. If you drink Puerh within about 30
min of a meal it helps digest the food faster not allowing the fats to
store. This is good if you want to lose a little weight but maybe not
if you are a 1.5 year old. I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old the 3
year old in the past had a mediocre appetite Puerh fixed this problem
(puerh is a common tea for appetite problems in TCM) .

Both of my Girls wanted tea real bad but the more I told them no the
more they wanted it, one day we gave in and let them drink it, it only
took about 5 tries (over a few days) of tea for them to lose the
curiosity. One other thing mentioned is caffeine, did you now that
according to the one of the biggest and best Chinese Tea Dictionaries
the Wild Tee Uncooked Puerh was the highest in caffeine and non wild
tree uncooked Puerh was second.

As for the caffeine thing I am not going to open up a can of worms
about that but when I get more time I will list the caffeine contest
of common Chinese teas.