Thread: Bai Hao Oolong.
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Default Bai Hao Oolong. [UTF 8]

While intrepidly exploring, Space Cowboy rolled
initiative and posted the following:

> I'm not too much into free because you get what you pay
> for.

A sentiment I share. However, I have found the
servers to be reliable and speedy.

> I'll put up with the Google sponsoring links.

I'll pass.

> Or I can
> keep a UTF8 post going forever with an before the Google
> grace period to respond to a post. Better yet maybe I can ask
> some kind soul like Kuri to create a UTF8 post for me to

Sounds like too much work.

> The biggest problem with Google is the jetlag for posts but
> there is a forced cooling off period.

My posts show up almost immediately on the
server and propogate quickly.

> I know I sign up for
> something free and the small print says so long as no complaints
> then I'm booted because someone says I spamming about commercial
> improprieties and they want to kill the messenger.

Does the word "paranoia" have any meaning for you?

Of course, if you just want to dismiss the idea out-of-hand without
checking the facts or speaking with those who use it, that's your


It's best to avoid standing directly between a competitive jerk and
his goals.