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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Does sushi come from Japan

"Steve Pope" wrote

> A large fraction of "sushi grade" fish is trans-shipped through Tokyo,
> where there is gigantic wholesale sushi-fish market.

Interesting but not supported by facts.

> Not sure about the rice and seaweed.

The seaweed may come from several places, including USA and Japan but also
northern Europe. My current nori is from Canada, Newfoundland. The rice is
from California. The sushi vinegar is from California and the soybeans from
Virginia as are the ginger pickled slivers. The 'wasabi' isnt real wasabi
but it tastes fine and comes from NY.

I'd be very suprised if any part of a sushi bought in the USA or Canada,
came from Japan other than perhaps the nori *might*.

BTW, 'sushi' is a rice item and it may or may not use fish as all. What you
meant above was 'sashimi grade fish' (fish of a quality to be eaten raw) and
even there, in the USA you are generally getting 'local' wild caught or in
salmon, may be farm raised.