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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Does sushi come from Japan

"George" wrote
> cshenk wrote:
>> "Steve Pope" wrote

>>> A large fraction of "sushi grade" fish is trans-shipped through Tokyo,
>>> where there is gigantic wholesale sushi-fish market.

>> Interesting but not supported by facts.

>> BTW, 'sushi' is a rice item and it may or may not use fish as all. What
>> you meant above was 'sashimi grade fish' (fish of a quality to be eaten
>> raw) and even there, in the USA you are generally getting 'local' wild
>> caught or in salmon, may be farm raised.

> Yes, in the US a lot of sashimi grade tuna comes right from the coast of
> LI. My buddies business partner likes to fish and actually makes a nice
> extra income fishing for tuna which are immediately sold whole off the
> docks.

Yup. They ship it up here to Norfolk area too. We've got a good market as
well for the sea bass and some other things which seem mostly locally caught

Either way, there's traditional confusion that sashimi = sushi when it
doesnt. Something like 60% of the sushi types are vegetarian. Only about
10% use raw fish.