Kids and tea
I would recommend you ask the pediatrician - my daughter (19 mos) has
been drinking tea with me for maybe 4 months; our Dr. told us the same
thing about the iron, so she only gets a little bit every couple of
I would also ask your Dr about the caffeine - when my brother was a
child, my parents were told to give him caffeine because he was
considered "hyperactive." I guess you never really know about these
things until you ask....
RJP > wrote in message >...
> Yuriy Pragin wrote:
> >
> > My 1.5 year old son loves drinking uncooked puerh. When he sees a cup
> > in my hands he right away climes on my lap. The question is maybe it's
> > too early to drink tea at his age? Any ideas?
> From an article I read on tea:
> "Don't give much tea to kids. Tea "chelates" iron,
> removing it from the body. That may help combat chronic
> disease but can cause anemia in young people."
> Randy