lapsang, assam, what next?
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Joel Reicher
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lapsang, assam, what next?
(Sally P.) writes:
> After drinking green teas for a good long time, I've decided to start
> experimenting. I've moved to laspang souchong (and loved it, esp. in
> the winter time) and assam (*great* to start the day). I'm wondering
> what I should try next - any suggestions? I'd love to hear about some
> of the others offered by Upton, in particular!
Don't know about Upton, but you should try Darjeeling. If you can
afford it, get a first flush. Don't get anything less than a second.
Also try Puerh (almost any variety), since it's a unique class of its
> p.s. I did try a Russian Caravan while out at a tea shop the other day
> - but didn't seem to have much flavor - I'm guessing it was old?
Russian Caravan is a blend and varies greatly from vendor to vendor,
in my experience. The amount of Lapsang Souchong, in particular. I
suspect some I've had didn't have any.
- Joel
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