I definitely haven't encountered soft bread there. I haven't tried the
Philly cheese steak but I'm not wild about the original. Their veggie
is pretty good, likewise their ham & cheese variations. The big problem
I've found is their dressings; their tanginess fights with the sandwich
flavors IMNSHO. Maybe I'll just ask for mayo next time.
To be honest, if I have unlimited time and gas I go to Blimpie's. But
if the choice is Subway, Quizno's, or going hungry, I'll typically do
Quizno's for their toasted rolls. (OTOH, if I'm REALLY in a hurry, a
Subway with a drive-through wins -- neither the lone Blimpie's in town
nor any of the Quizno's have a drive-through.)
Sylvia Steiger RN, homeschooling mom since Nov 1995
Cheyenne WY, USDA zone 5a, Sunset zone 1a
Home of the Wyoming Wind Festival, January 1-December 31
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