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Default preparing green tea

"Patrick Heinze" > wrote in message
> "Tea" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> ...
> >>It is Gun Powder brand. I don't know how to
> > > prepare it. So I just mix it up with cold water and bringing it to a
> > > boil, straining it and Having.

> > Don't do this to your tea.
> > Gunpowder isn't a brand- it's a type. Chinese tea prepared in this

> > will be bitter and nasty. Heat your water until it's just below boiling

> and
> > pour about 5 ounces into a mug that has about a teaspoon of tea

> (preferably
> > in a strainer so you can get the tea out). After about three to five
> > minutes, remove the tea. You can add sugar if you really want, but most
> > people don't. Drink when it's cool enough to not burn your mouth..

> Arrr...NOOO :-)

Interestingly enough, the directions I gave were fromthe Ten Ren website. I
don't drink Gunpowder, so I'm no expert on it.