On the really hot days I'll make refrigerated tea then add ice too a
Mason Jar with a hole in the lid to hold a plastic slurpee straw. The
straw end is inserted lid bottom first and the spoonend stirs the ice
and tea but I prefer to shake. Southerners are big on straws.
Instead of thumping a water mellon an ice pick and a straw told you if
it was ripe.
"Volfie \"Scary Poppins\" Jackson" > wrote in message >...
> I just bought the most marvelous little tea tool from Cargo and James!
> http://www.cargoandjames.com/ It a metal sipping device that has a flat but
> round mesh end in that goes in the cup and it allows you to use loose tea
> leaves in your cup without swallowing them when you sip your tea. (Not that
> I mind tea leaves occasionally but this is just fun.) Now some of you
> probably already knew that things like this existed but I sure didn't and
> I've been drinking loose tea since I was a few years old. Are there any
> other nifty tea tools out there I should know about? I want to own them
> all! 
> Giselle (having fun with my new tea-tasting experiments)