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Silvar Beitel[_2_] Silvar Beitel[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 110
Default Does sushi come from Japan

On Mar 21, 11:24 am, "Dimitri" > wrote:

> Vinegar powder - Japan

Ah! I learned something today! Thanks, Dimitri!

I didn't even know there was such stuff.

Why does this interest me?

Because as much as I like the sushi I get at good Japanese places, and
as much as I like my own work (done with traditional (liquid) rice
vinegar), there is *something* about mass-produced grocery-store sushi
that appeals to me. Not the texture or the flavor of the (sometimes
less than perfectly fresh?) sashimi, but something in the sushi
itself. And I'll betcha that vinegar *powder* is it!

Will scrounge some and try it!

(Should I go for the "glow-in-the-dark" version or plain? :-) )

Silvar Beitel