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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Does sushi come from Japan

cshenk wrote:
> The 'wasabi' isnt real wasabi
> but it tastes fine and comes from NY.

Most of the green stuff at sushi places is actually made from
horseradish and then it has some coloring and chemicals added to it to
make it taste different. Because wasabi and horseradish have the same
main active chemical it works as long as you never have real wasabi and
straight horseradish side by side.

Once I have real wasabi (I watched the chef grate it) and straight
horseradish (I watched the chef grate it) side by side on otherwise
identical fish dishes. The difference was obvious side by side. That's
not the same thing as saying I could tell if I were to taste some green
stuff today several years later and be able to tell on its own. The
fake wasabi isn't a bad immitation.