recipe request
On Mar 21, 8:59*am, "Storrmmee" > wrote:
> ok so I am talking to df last night, she is experiencing computer woes, she
> has gotten her hands on several heads of cabbage at a really great price....
> good so far... she comes home, looks in file where computer geek of the
> genis*useless* says her recipes are... she can't get on line barely past
> email, can't find what THEY said they saved and she can't even get to news
> groups either... so i am appealing to you for a recipe, preferrably one you
> have tried and lik.
> she wants a cabbage sweet and sour relish, she had two versions one with
> tomatoes one without, she remembers both had onions cabbage and green
> pepper, maybe garlic...
> she said it tasted good hot or cold, on the side and on meat/meat sands.
> she likes some hot/spicey but not infurno level... that would be me...
> thanks guys.
> Lee
I have a couple of relish recipes at home that I will try to remember
to post for you tonight.