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Space Cowboy
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Default Newbie tea questions

All things being equal if the infuser is a basket it stays in the
teapot. The first cup of tea or so will drop the water line below the
basket. If the infuser is a ball with a chain use the lid to secure
the chain so the ball is above the water line. If the infuser is a
spoon you can tap the handle on the teapot rim to remove excess liquid
then simply place the spoon on a folded napkin. Keemun is a complex
tea so that would be my last recommendation. I'd recommend store
brand commercial teas noted for their consistency for example English
Breakfast. They all taste different enough so just learn the
difference. There is no right answer but ask yourself why you like
one better than the other. Tasting tea is more about understanding
yourself than the differentiation of any given set of particulars.


Alex Krupp > wrote in message news:<2004030521465216807%alex3917@hotmailcom>...
> Firstly, when brewing loose tea in a mesh infuser, when I pull the
> infuser basket out of the pot should I let it drip into the pot for a
> couple seconds or should I immediately slide a saucer or mug under it
> to prevent this? I know that the water that drains out of the infuser
> basket when you pull it out is most likely full of tannic acid and
> sediments, but I'm not sure what the accepted practice is.
> Secondly, is there any guide or FAQ on how to develop ones palate for
> fine teas? I have heard that keemun is a good tea to start with, but I
> haven't been able to really appreciate the keemun hao-ya (#503) that I
> bought off specialteas. Any suggestions? I too want to be one of the
> elite who can tell whether a cuppa is more reminiscent of wooden
> steamships or English countryside weather
> Alex