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Lewis Perin
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Default Puerh Experience

"Blues Lyne" > writes:

> After all the Puerh talk here, I decided it was time to give it a try. I
> received an order from Teaspring Saturday, (sorry Jim, I haven't had much
> luck in the Asian markets here, but I keep trying). They generously
> included some Puerh samples for me to try.
> The first one I tried was a 2 year old green Puerh. I used 1 heaping tsp
> and boiling water and steeped for 2 mins.

I think you'd enjoy a green Puerh more at a lower temperature. I like
them best in the same temperature range as for green oolongs.

> I immediately recognized the musty, dank basement taste I've heard
> mention of. Better than the only other Puerh I'd tried (Organic
> Puerh ZH25 from Upton Tea), but I still wasn't sure I was getting
> what all the fuss was about. Then Bam! it hit me, this strong,
> delicious, fruity aftertaste. Totally took me by surprise. It was
> so totally different than the taste of the tea itself. I found
> myself wanting more of the tea, not for the flavor of the tea, but
> the lingering aftertaste.

Congratulations; you've got the itch! Sooner or later you'll find a
green Puerh and a way of brewing it that will be satisfying in aroma,
main taste, and aftertaste.

Lew Perin /