milkflowers wrote:
> This is why i said baking of China has a long distance with yours,we have a
> lot of things to learn.
> This is the first time i heard Yum Brands from you,maybe Yum's leader should
> think about establish more multiple shops in China.
No, that would be bad. You should wish for some
good pizza, not the bad pizza made by big chain
> Chinese baking are still at a very lower level ,that true. I hope i can
> learn more at here.LOL
For good pizza, you really need a special-purpose
commercial pizza oven. I think those are still
mostly made in the United States, but there's no
reason you couldn't make a good one in China.
This site has an introductory page on pizza ovens.
If nobody has a brick pizza oven in China and
you were the first, you could become famous
for making good pizza. Pizza ovens are easy
to make.
To make good fried chicken, you need a machine
called a broaster. It can deep fry under pressure.
This is the machine that made Kentucky Fried
Chicken famous.
Making a pizza oven would be easy compared to
making a broaster. A broaster can be very dangerous
if it is not made well. I would not stand very
close to a Chinese-made broaster while it is
operating, unless it had a long history of safety.