On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 19:15:04 +0000, Derek wrote:
> While intrepidly exploring, boni tours rolled
> initiative and posted the following:
>> Someone have experience about???
> It's one of the less popular distributions of Linux. I've never been
> particularly impressed with it.
> If I were to switch operating systems, I'd probably go with Xandros.
Use Slackware Linux, it's better.
Mandrake: Mandragora Officinarum, toxix, contains hyoscine, an alkaloid,
used by poisoners in the Middle Ages (Borgia, for instance).
Then on the still night air,
The bark of a dog is heard,
A shriek! A groan!
A human cry. A trumpet sound,
the mandrake root lies captive on the ground.
Tea it is not.