"Lewis Perin" > wrote in message

> "Blues Lyne" > writes:
> > [...]
> > To borrow from Michael Plant, I'm listening to Wes Montgomery and
> > the first steep of a 10 year old green puerh. Smooth horse barn flavor
> > followed by sweet fruitiness in the aftertaste. Still seems bizarre to
> > but I'm starting to get it.
> > [...]
> > PS. In an earlier post I mentioned that the Yunnan Gold and Ying De Hong
> > teas I received from teaspring weren't doing it for me. I've since
> > the Yunnan to be nice using more leaf and water temp around 190F. This
> > morning was cloudy and cool here in North County San Diego so I added a
> > little Lapsang Suchong to the Ying De Hong (2 tsp YDH to 1/2tsp LS -
> > 190F water) and loved the blend. Smokey with a nice sweet
> > aftertaste.
> I find Puerh is what I crave when it's cold or rainy. Wes is good
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
> http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html
I'd have to heartily agree with both statements.