Strength Question
While intrepidly exploring, Alex S. rolled
initiative and posted the following:
> Ok, first of all, I live in Canada. I usually have loose tea but
> occasionaly I have Tetley. When I buy Tetley bags, they are
> called "two cup premium tea bags". So what I usually do is put
> two in my four-cup tea pot, and brew for four minutes. Would I
> acheive the same effect if I put it in a one-cup mug and brewed
> for 2 minutes? What should I do? Any help is greatly
> appreceated.
I make all of my tea based on what it would take to make one cup.
Everything larger is simply in multiples - 2x the water, 2x the
...except when I'm making iced tea from loose. In that case,
I make the tea doubly strong as it will get diluted when being
shaken with the ice.
You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision,
determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor.