The Puerh Rosetta Page
An Ad Hominem accusation cannot apply to institutions or in this case
a generational reference only a person. The common accepted use of
troll is someone looking for an argument for any reason. I'm just
protecting my intellectual property illegally usurped by a website.
Private coversations cannot be copyright unless published. Even if
you published something in 98 I first posted about my cheatsheet of
Chinese and English tea terms here in
95. Copyright law has the Doctrine of Antecedent where I could have a
ruling to apply my rosetta characterization in 2004 to all my previous
posts about the subject starting in 95. The John Kerry reference has
already morphed into the colloquial "I'm not at liberty to say who"
similar to wardrobe malfunction "for any unplanned contingency".
Derek > wrote in message >...
> While intrepidly exploring, Space Cowboy rolled
> initiative and posted the following:
> > Oh I can talk all day long about a particular website's
> > plagiarism and copyright violation which is certainly Ad Nauseum
> > but not Ad Hominem. I'll let you substitute who you think is the
> > webmaster and even if you came up with Bin Laden it still isn't
> > an Ad Hominem argument (Hitler is bad even after rebuilding the
> > German economy in the thirties where the Jews prospered more
> > than the Germans). So try something different than a troll
> > attack which is by definition Ad Hominem. The Rosetta Stone is
> > an historical artifact. I can distort the meaning anyway I want
> > which means protection under the CopyRight Act Doctrine of
> > Qualification meaning "not the same as". I used it first to
> > specifically mean translation of Chinese English tea terms and
> > any similar use by anybody else is a copyright violation. Don't
> > pull a John Kerry on me if you know someone who used rosetta in
> > a similar way.
> The Ad Hominem was contained in your accusation that I support
> plagiarism based upon the generation in which I was born. That was
> simply an attempt to discredit me based on a characteristic over
> which I have no control. That is, by definition, Ad Hominem.
> As for the troll accusation being Ad Hominem, you've got it
> backwards. I don't discount your claims because I think you're a
> troll. I think you're a troll because of the outrageous, poorly
> reasoned, confrontational demands you make in this group.
> As for the pitiful "John Kerry" accusation, it was Tony Ruggiero,
> the owner of my local tea shop, La Societe du The. He showed me
> what he called his "rosetta sheet" for tea names that he used to
> translate between Chinese, English and French. The year was 1998
> and we were building his first web site.
> Again, the only thing you get credit for is being the first to
> post it in this group. The idea is neither unique nor original.
> And, as such, you don't hold the copyright...
> ... no matter how frequently or loudly you insist that you do.