Strength Question
You can make a decent cup of tea using teabags in a pot and not a cup.
As usual the mininum is two because there is one for the pot. The
comment about tea, water, time and temperature are my rules of thumb.
To make my life simple I brew teabags only two minutes no matter if
two or the whole box in the pot. If you don't use the entire pot
remove the teabags before the subsequent cups. If you find teabags
you really like it doesn't get any easier than this.
Blair P. Houghton > wrote in message > ...
> Alex S. > wrote:
> >Ok, first of all, I live in Canada. I usually have loose tea but
> >occasionaly I have Tetley. When I buy Tetley bags, they are called
> >"two cup premium tea bags". So what I usually do is put two in my
> >four-cup tea pot, and brew for four minutes. Would I acheive the same
> >effect if I put it in a one-cup mug and brewed for 2 minutes? What
> >should I do? Any help is greatly appreceated.
> Two-cup for 4 minutes.
> Tea and water are proportional, but time and temperature are not
> variable.
> 3 minutes makes a clearer cup; 5 minutes makes a chewy one.
> If you have the chance to pay attention, 3 minutes 40
> seconds is a pretty nice balance with Tetley bags.
> --Blair
> "Next week: which bag has the best staples?"