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dsi1[_12_] dsi1[_12_] is offline
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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

On 3/27/2011 1:38 AM, Terry wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:12:26 -0800, Mark >
> wrote:
>> Never having had a colonoscopy before, I'm dreading
>> the prep.

> Hmmm... different from my prep, though mine was 3.5 years ago. No
> solid food the day before; hard candy, black coffee/tea, beef/chicken
> broth, etc. A bottle of magnesium citrate laxative and some tablet
> laxatives.

For my procedure, I was instructed to take a mega-dose of Fleet
Phospho-Soda which was over the counter and dirt cheap.

> I suspect that my specific prep may have triggered, or at least helped
> out, my type 2 diabetes. :-( Already pre-diabetic I'm sure; I
> sucked on hard candy most of the day before, and the morning of, with
> little else in the way of calories. Within a few weeks I noticed
> nightly toilet visits and the vision started to change from
> nearsighted to normal. Then farsighted. Very farsighted. Dropped
> about 30 lb. Fasting glucose was 300...

Interesting. I believe that Fleet Phospho-Soda is no longer recommended
for this use or even sold since it may cause kidney damage. In my case,
my kidneys survived and they told me to try again in 10 years.

> Oh well. Keeping it pretty well controlled now.
> --
> Best -- Terry