The Puerh Rosetta Page
Just because you mentioned a commonly known "process" once or twice
does not mean that you can lay a copyright claim to it. All you ever
did was refer to the "process" that you used. You never published
anything publicly other than a bunch troll banter. At least Mike is
contributing something for others to share. From what I can see you
just zero in on the dude anytime he posts anything at all, could it be
that you just jealous?
If you think you can do better then just shut up and do it.
And I don't even like pu-erh.... or trolls for that matter!
>See my other post about the first reference to a chinese english
>teaterms cheatsheet in 95 and copyright laws allowing retroactive use
>of new terms. Looks like I need to talk to a cha-ching copyright