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Nancy Young[_3_] Nancy Young[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 329
Default The Colonoscopy Diet

Janet wrote:
> In article >, artisan2
> says...
>> On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 04:31:31 +0000 (UTC),
>> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>> Sounds like they gave you something amnesia-inducing. So you don't
>>> really know if you were in pain or not.

>> Concious sedation does that.

> Certainly does. My colonoscopy clinic actually warns patients about
> the amnesia effect of the drug so they won't be worried and confused
> by the gap.

I only had a momentary confusion when I woke up ... Why are these
women in my room? Better stay quiet till I figure that out. Heh.

It was very brief and the only pain at all was the needle stick site.
In other words, nothing. Insurance company took care of the procedure,
so no pain there, either.
