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Janet Janet is offline
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Posts: 1,916
Default The Colonoscopy Diet

In article >, dude
> Janet > wrote:
> > In article >, artisan2
> > says...
> >>
> >> On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 04:31:31 +0000 (UTC),

> >> (Steve Pope) wrote:
> >>
> >>> Sounds like they gave you something amnesia-inducing. So you don't
> >>> really know if you were in pain or not.
> >>>
> >> Concious sedation does that.

> >
> > Certainly does. My colonoscopy clinic actually warns patients about the
> > amnesia effect of the drug so they won't be worried and confused by the
> > gap.
> >
> > Janet

> I do not remember anyone telling me about amnesia

LOL :-)

Ours sends out a printed leaflet beforehand; but on arrival you're
assigned to a "dedicated nurse" who goes through it all again (before and
after). Thank god for socialised medicine...
