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Ross@home Ross@home is offline
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Posts: 403
Default The Colonoscopy Diet

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 14:29:59 +0000 (UTC), Nad R
> wrote:

>For those that are curious. The total cost for the double exam for down the
>throat and up the... Was around $5,000 U.S. two years ago and my 20% co-pay
>was $1,000 US. I reached my max co pay over night, so future medical
>expenses cost me nothing out of pocket for the rest of the year. Peace of
>mind... Priceless
>One grand still leaves a pain in the ...

That's one of the many reasons I'm glad I live in Canada.
I've had 13 colonoscopies over the last 36 years.
Total cost for the first three: $0.00
For the next ten, because of hospital cutbacks, they no longer
provided the prep solution so that ranged anywhere from $5.00 to
$14.00 each procedure.
