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Nad R Nad R is offline
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Posts: 643
Default The Colonoscopy Diet

<Ross@home> wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 14:29:59 +0000 (UTC), Nad R
> > wrote:
>> For those that are curious. The total cost for the double exam for down the
>> throat and up the... Was around $5,000 U.S. two years ago and my 20% co-pay
>> was $1,000 US. I reached my max co pay over night, so future medical
>> expenses cost me nothing out of pocket for the rest of the year. Peace of
>> mind... Priceless
>> One grand still leaves a pain in the ...

> That's one of the many reasons I'm glad I live in Canada.
> I've had 13 colonoscopies over the last 36 years.
> Total cost for the first three: $0.00
> For the next ten, because of hospital cutbacks, they no longer
> provided the prep solution so that ranged anywhere from $5.00 to
> $14.00 each procedure.
> Ross.

I pay less for gas and my taxed are less, we all pay one way or another.

The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is that, Capitalism is "Man
vs Man" and Socialism is the reverse.

Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)