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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "Mark Thorson" > wrote>
>> Never having had a colonoscopy before, I'm dreading
>> the prep.

> ...
> Been there, done that - twice. Just eat normally after the procedure. Your
> gut flora and fauna are not being wiped out by antibiotics. After mine I
> went to a diner and had the large ranch breakfast. No problemo. The trick
> to getting down the liquid is to keep it cold. Try to slam it down fast and
> that way the texture won't be so bad. It kind of has a little sliminess to
> it. Do not take the first glass and think you have some time for it to kick
> in. You don't. Stay near the can. You won't believe how fast it works.

In my case it's been once so far. Ditto most of that. The day of
preparation was by far the worst of it.

My wife reports that in the recovery room I babbled. I have no memory
of that. I remember waking up.

I was pretty hungry by the end of the day as the grogginess wore off.
No surprise and no big deal.