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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

Kent wrote:
> Most Important, these days people are trying to save money and reduce
> procedure time so they can do more in a morning. Someone is going to ask you
> what your stress-pain tolerance is, to let them decide how much to sedate,
> and how much to give opiates. In my own case I tell them on a scale from
> 1-10 I have a pain tolerance of 0-1, or none. I don't want someone shoving
> me through the procedure for their own convenience. You've gone through a
> fair effort at this point. Make it as comfortable for you as possible.

My Dad had that issue when he had gall bladder surgery recently. My
brother looked at him and went to ask for a pain shot. They asked Dad
his pain number. Five. No big deal. My brother told them he reported
a four before going in for heart surgery and that it would probably take
a bear eating his arm without removing it first to get a six. They gave
Dad the shot.