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Chemo the Clown[_2_] Chemo the Clown[_2_] is offline
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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

On Mar 28, 3:27*am, "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
> "Steve Pope" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> >>Last time I went, II was laying in the OR thinking "they said they would
> >>give me something to relax me, I wonder when they will" *Then some nurse
> >>or
> >>aid was asking me it I wanted some juice and a muffin or cookies. *Over
> >>and
> >>done, no pain, no strain.

> > Sounds like they gave you something amnesia-inducing. *So you don't
> > really know if you were in pain or not.

> > S.

> The only pain that counts is the pain I feel. *Anesthesia is a wonderful
> thing.

It was the best 20 minute nap I've ever had!