The Colonoscopy Diet
On 28/03/2011 3:10 PM, Doug Freyburger wrote:
>> Most Important, these days people are trying to save money and reduce
>> procedure time so they can do more in a morning. Someone is going to ask you
>> what your stress-pain tolerance is, to let them decide how much to sedate,
>> and how much to give opiates. In my own case I tell them on a scale from
>> 1-10 I have a pain tolerance of 0-1, or none. I don't want someone shoving
>> me through the procedure for their own convenience. You've gone through a
>> fair effort at this point. Make it as comfortable for you as possible.
> My Dad had that issue when he had gall bladder surgery recently. My
> brother looked at him and went to ask for a pain shot. They asked Dad
> his pain number. Five. No big deal. My brother told them he reported
> a four before going in for heart surgery and that it would probably take
> a bear eating his arm without removing it first to get a six. They gave
> Dad the shot.
I got sedated for a root canal. I had been through one a few years
earlier and it was very uncomfortable, gagging and choking on the dental
dam. When I got sedated the procedure was a breeze. I was half out of
it when the endontist came in and started working. At one point I felt a
bit of pain, but I didn't care. Next thing I knew, she was finishing up.
It felt like 5 minutes but I was in there for an hour and a half.