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Default What is this slimy stuff?

While intrepidly exploring, Joseph Kubera
rolled initiative and posted the following:

>>Imagine, if you will, that you have a tea pot, with a bunch of
>>leaves -- enough to make a strong cup o' green tea -- and
>>sufficient hot water for one cup of hot, steaming, delicious
>>tea. So now we have leaves -- some spent, say, from last night's
>>tea, and some new -- floating in hot water. Now imagine that
>>through some dark magic, /all/ the water had been spirited away
>>and replaced with water-clear slime with the consistency of
>>mucus. Sorry -- I can't think of a better way to say it. So when
>>you go to pour the tea, it /drools/ out, and forms a string when
>>when you turn the pot upright to stop the flow.
>>It's very disturbing. Now taste it, take a sip. Hot, yes; it
>>tastes like regular green tea . . . but it doesn't "slurp", it

> OK, that does it. This calls for a visit from the Tea Police.
> We'll be right over.

Tea police? It's out of their league.

For unexplained goo and strange occurences? I'd call the


A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of