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notbob[_5_] notbob[_5_] is offline
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Default Funny and totoally cooking related

On 2011-03-28, sf > wrote:

> Not your ordinary how to cooking video
> No punch line, just funny overall...

Kinda silly, but definitely more entertaining than the slick
mind-numbing crap on food network. Not sure why the guy needs to be
pretending to sweep the floor, but added to its amateur charm. The
lady is a hoot, but I can't tell it's an intentional put-on or an
honestly inept effort.

As for the actual cooking? I can only say, jaw dropping bad. Soak
beans and THEN pressure cook!? I don't think so. Mexican seasoning?
Would you believe chili powder. Rotel canned tomatoes? And then she
put the whole mess on polenta!!, fergawdsakes. What's wrong with
cornbread? It matters not, as I practically blew chunks when she
pulled out that chipotle chili, but that's my problem.

I give it an A for effort and originality, but a D- for actual
cooking. I wouldn't eat that slop at gunpoint, but I may watch
another video.
