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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

Kent wrote:
> "Goomba" > wrote:
>> Doug Freyburger wrote:
>>> My Dad had that issue when he had gall bladder surgery recently. My
>>> brother looked at him and went to ask for a pain shot. They asked Dad
>>> his pain number. Five. No big deal. My brother told them he reported
>>> a four before going in for heart surgery and that it would probably take
>>> a bear eating his arm without removing it first to get a six. They gave
>>> Dad the shot.

>> asking him to rate his pain has nothing to do with whether he'll get the
>> pain med or not. It has to do with monitoring the effectiveness of the
>> pain med he is given (after they get a baseline reported "score")and
>> hopefully the score will decrease as he is made more comfortable.

> Incorrect,
> They ask you your perceived pain tolerance. Based on that they decide what
> and how much Rx to give you. Monitoring pain medicine effectiveness has
> nothing to do with what happens with the question 1-10 pain tolerance.

Dad went from gray and panting to colored and breathing normally. They
noted that this patient is not going to ask for a pain medication until
long after it should have been offered. Dad didn't ask but also didn't
turn down the offer. Until a day later when he did start turning it
down well befor emost would have. His choice at that point.

I work hard at emulating Dad. He's a superior role model for me. I
wonder if I'll try to emulate him should I ever have a kidney stone or
gall bladder stone break loose and start grinding through my insides. I
don't think so but there was that time when I had all of my wisdom teeth
removed at the same time and I only took one of those strong pills
before deciding I'd rather have the pain than those effects ...