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Lamar Neil
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Default The Puerh Rosetta Page

What does that comment have to do with the price of tea in China?
Rambling irrelevant insults are one of the true marks of a troll.....
What are you trying to do, alienate everybody who has the audacity to
have a different opinion than you? It's guys like you that make the
USENET a freeforall, after all we are supposed to be concentrating on
a topic here, not a damn mud slinging political debate.


On 20 Mar 2004 06:29:21 -0800, (Space Cowboy)

>You're the guy sitting behind me in the theater at the matinee talking
>about the next scene he saw in the sneak preview the night before.
>Derek > wrote in message >...
>> While intrepidly exploring, Space Cowboy rolled
>> initiative and posted the following:
>> > Someone give this guy a hat he's driving around with the top
>> > down on the convertable again.

>> Why? You're the one with the halfbaked belief that you can copyright
>> unoriginal ideas.