On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 06:17:58 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>Back in the 60's? salmon were introduced into the Great Lakes to munch
>on the lampreys (who were munching on native fish and killing them
>off) I can remember seeing people pulling their kid's little red
>wagon behind them as they came off the breakwater with a huge salmon
>draped in the wagon bed. Great white fish too.
That's like the Catfish in the St. Johns River, here in Florida. There
are some that are unbelievably huge!
I once saw a carcass that some person left after cleaning the fish
that the head was an amazing 3 feet wide, without counting the spines.
The fish itself must have been HUGE like this world record catfish:
Catching catfish in the river here is so easy it crazy. Milk Jug tied
to the line so that the bait, rotten chicken livers, sits just above
the bottom. Then you tie the jug to a stout cord to pull it in when it
dips sharply. That's 100% USA catfish there!