On 3/31/2011 12:41 PM, Don Wiss wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, > wrote:
>> I have a friend who insists that handwashing uses less water....and
>> then leaves
>> the water running to rinse each dish individually...... go figure.
> Consumers Reports has repeatedly pointed out over the years that hand
> washing uses more hot water than a dishwasher. And the expense of the
> additional hot water exceeds the cost of the electricity used to run the
> dishwasher.
> In their very controlled lab situations they find that rinsing isn't
> necessary.
> My compromise is I rinse with cold water and am not concerned with the
> little grease that isn't rinsed off.
> Don. http://paleofood.com/kitchen-equipment.htm (e-mail at page bottom).
Since most of the dishes I use are for myself alone, I don't run the
dishwasher daily. However, I find if I don't rinse off dishes with cold
water the odor from the dishwasher is unpleasant after a day or so.
James Silverton, Potomac
I'm "not"