On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:07:09 -0700, Ranée at Arabian Knits
> wrote:
>In article >,
> notbob > wrote:
>> Not sure I understand all this anti-Asian fish thing. Where do you
>> think 95% of our shrimp comes from? The Azores? You think there is no
>> pollution in US waters? No heavy metals? Puh-leeze!
>> The US is the most heavily fertilized, herbicided, and insecticided
>> nation on Earth. Ever hear of Love Canal? Didja see the movie, Erin
>> Brockovich? You think all that stuff degrades before washing out to
>> sea? You think US companies are any less nefarious and greedy than
>> Chinese companies. Silly girl.
>> Even with yearly flushing of CAs extensive irrigation system, by time
>> the Winter's snowfall reaches the ocean, the residual heavy metals
>> from 160 yrs ago have so polluted the CA Delta, fish are LOADED w/
>> toxic mercury from the CA Gold Rush. CA DFG warns against eating more
>> than 2 fish per wk, and waterfowl, too! There's a reason why CA Cajun
>> festivals import LA crawfish when the CA delta is crawling with the
>> bugs.
>> So, we get all crazy and paranoid about some Chinese toothpaste while
>> our own country is pumping us full of GMOs and other more dangerous
>> crap while our govt turns its greased-palm heads. Ever wonder why
>> all the warning flags and flares go off on Asian imports, while our
>> own govt is complicit in poisoning us on an everyday basis?
> I agree with the problems of our own government and food policies,
>however, that doesn't mean I want to ingest lead, melamine, plastic or
>any number of the other things that are deliberately pumped into the
>food supply in China. They are willing to deliberately (not even a we
>didn't know this might happen, or there's a risk of this happening, but
>deliberately using lead and other heavy metals, plastics, etc, that are
>known poisons) poison their pets, their people and their babies. That
>does not bode well for what they will send to other nations.
>Ranee @ Arabian Knits
"The levels of the contaminants that have been found are very low,
most often at or near the minimum level of detection. As a result, the
health risk posed by the detected drugs is primarily from long-term
exposure. Nitrofurans, malachite green, and gentian violet have been
shown to be carcinogenic in study animals, while the use of
fluoroquinolones in food animals may increase antibiotic resistance in
human pathogens. Based on the sum of all current information, FDA
believes that risk to U.S. consumers due to these drugs in seafood
products from China is minimal, and do not represent an immediate risk
to public health."