On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 19:53:32 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>In article >,
>> Yikes! I better quit feeding Dinky, who has eaten Purina foods for his
>> entire 13 years of life, that nasty stuff! hehe, just yanking your
>> chain, Ranée. My other cat, Bammers, who also ate Purina his entire
>> life, lived in great health for 19 years.
>> I think, IMHO, the negativity behind Purina's so-called contamination
>> is just nonsense spread by their competitors.
>> Have you any cites for this Purina contamination from anyone who lists
>> the testing done? I'd be very interested to read them.
The link has no mention of Purina unless its in the multitude of links
within the page.
I asked specifically for data that supports the *Purina* scare as
being exclusive to any other brand.
Do any of those other links mention Purina specifically?