Buy tea onlin
On 26 Mar 2004 02:09:37 GMT, peddy (Beth) tripped
the light fantastic, then quipped:
>Now for a question...the following is the tea list of what we currently offer
>at the coffeeshop...if you can think of any we don't have but should please let
>me know as I am getting ready to expand our tea selections in the coming weeks
Welcome, Speddie. I'd suggest a non-blended black tea, like a malty
assam or a robust keemun; they're wonderful with a hearty meal. For
something a little lighter, a subtle yunnan might be nice. And,
though I'm not a fan of flowery teas, Darjeelings seem to be popular
on menus where fine teas are served, if for no other reason than that
people have heard the name. Black teas are my personal faves, so, of
course, I'm going to lean in that direction.
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