Buy tea onlin
Beth wrote:
> Now for a question...the following is the tea list of what we currently offer
> at the coffeeshop...if you can think of any we don't have but should please let
> me know as I am getting ready to expand our tea selections in the coming weeks
> Irish Breakfast
> 5 Peaks Green Jade
> Triple Greens with Jasmine
> Jasmine White
> Mayan Chai
> Peppermint Rooibos
> Orange Rooibos
> Peach with Ginger
> Ginger
> A blend of mint, licorice and ginger
> Wu Yi Oolong
> White Melon
> Red Raspberry Rooibos
> Jade Butterflies
> Sage Woman (a Linda blend with raspberry, chamomile sage and other things)
> and a Lemon Sencha
> ideas?
More alliteration. For example, "Lemon Sencha" is dull, but "Smashing
Citrus Sencha" jumps right off the menu and practically slits your
throat with an attack of sour S's. And there's no better way to
increase beverage sales than to slit your customers' throats,
figuratively speaking. "Wu Yi Oolong"? Sounds foreign, and foreign is
intimidating. Customers don't want to buy things that scare them. How
about "OooWee Wu Yi Oolong"? Now that's exotic AND fun, like you're
going to be served a cheap Vietnamese prostitute in a cup. Your "Red
Raspberry Roobios" can even be "kicked up a notch" by calling it...are
you ready...BAM!: "Rockin' Red Raspberry Roobios"! Awesome! Make mine
a double! This tea house ****in' rocks!