On Fri, 1 Apr 2011 09:14:13 -0400, "jmcquown" >
>Have you ever actually SEEN a fish farm? Something other than what you read
>online? I have. Arkansas is full of them (along with rice fields). The
>ones I've seen are not overcrowded. I don't know what unhappy fish look
>like but they didn't appear to be bothered. Chemicals? I'd rather eat farm
>raised fish than try to eat fish pulled from the heavily polluted
>Mississippi river.
Thanks Jill, me too.
But, but, but.....don't you want to climb onto the bashing wagon and
bash someone? Come on! Surly there's SOMEONE who has a business you
want to bash with no real evidence....hehe
Well, I heard yesterday on the net......lets boycott that butt head!
Send massive emails out! Ha!